The Forum Restaurant: Additional Phone Number

The Forum Restaurant: Additional Phone Number
We hope everyone is keeping safe during this difficult time.
We have received feedbacks from customers who are experiencing difficulties calling the restaurant to order especially at weekends. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience as this is largely due to most customers now wishing to pay over the phone to minimize any cash handling, so therefore each call is taking longer in order to process the payment, resulting in longer wait times for others who wish get through.
As from this week, we are introducing a second number which is dedicated for cash orders. So if you are happy to pay cash, please call this number and you should get through to us much more quickly.
Number for cash orders only: 07536982605
The cash number is for both collections and Home deliveries, and it is live throughout the week (Wednesdays to Sundays 5pm to 10pm)
Please note we are still very busy during weekends but we will endeavour to take your order as quickly as physically possible, and we thank you for your patience and support.
Stay safe and look out for each other.
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