The Forum Restaurant: Face mask and Social Distancing Policy.
We understand the Government has announced the lifting of nearly all restrictions as from 19 July 2021.
For a lot of people, this is a big step towards regaining our freedom and getting back to a more normal life, but for businesses like ours, the lifting exposes greater risks for both our customers and staff.
Despite the easing, the government has already indicated a new wave of infections which will be inevitable due to more mass gatherings and venues re-opening, and it will be up to individual businesses to manage their own safety guidelines.
With this in mind, we would like to confirm the wearing of face covering and social distancing will remain mandatory when entering the restaurant, and the one-way system on entering and exiting will still be in place.
We hope you understand as we feel it is our responsibility to keep everyone as safe as possible.
We have had lots of enquiries as to when we will fully re-open and with the mixed messages coming from the Government, it is difficult to set an exact date, but we hope this will not be far away.
In the meantime, we are using the restaurant closure as an opportunity to carry out some renovations so that when we open our doors once again for dining, we hope to welcome you back to a fresh-looking restaurant.
Keep safe and thank you for your support.
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